After you learn how to make your way around a Cocoon and mix with Muses in solo-play mode, try playing in online mode. There, on top of NPC Character Muses, you'll encounter Player Muses from around the world.

Communication with Player Muses
Press the ZR Button to perform actions directed at Player Muses. You can send stamps that say "Nice!" or "Thanks!", check profiles, follow them, or visit their showroom. When you send a stamp, that player will receive an online notification in the feedback section of their Eve Log.
Following Muses and Requesting Lookits
After you select "Your World" from the Menu, you can see the Player Muses who have visited your Cocoon. If their creations spark your interest, give them a follow! You can visit their showroom through the actions performed with the ZR Button, or press the X Button to request a Lookit.
Use an ID search to connect with friends
After you select "Your World" from the Menu, you can use an ID search to find other players. This is a useful feature that helps you find your friends or lets them find you if you tell them your ID. To check your ID, press the + Button in Your World to bring up the appropriate menu.
You'll receive Likes and Lookit requests, too!
When playing in online mode, the players you meet may "Like" your outfits or ask you for Lookits. After you see a notification on the Eve Log, press the L Button or R Button to check the feedback or request that appears.